Knee resurfacing is a new, less invasive surgical treatment option for patients with mild knee arthritis that allows them to keep more bone and cartilage while keeping their knee function.
Osteoarthritis, often known as arthritis, is the most common cause of chronic knee pain in persons over 50, affecting women more frequently than men. The femur, or thigh bone, contains two condylar surfaces that lie on the tibia, or shin bone, forming two compartments. In the front of the knee, behind the knee cap, is the third compartment. A small layer of cartilage separates the bones in each compartment, preventing them from rubbing against one another.

Arthritis usually affects only one compartment, leaving the other two unscathed. The damaged cartilage in the compartment of the knee is removed and replaced with metal and polyethylene during knee resurfacing, leaving the ligaments, meniscus, and cartilage intact.
If knee resurfacing surgery is done at the right moment, the knee joint can be saved and total knee replacement can be avoided or delayed for a long time, if not forever.
When Should Knee Resurfacing Be Done?
There are three ways to think about knee resurfacing:
Unicompartmental knee resurfacing: This surgery resurfaces only the damaged compartment of the arthritic bone, whether it is the medial or lateral compartment. Resurfacing of two of the three compartments of the knee that have been affected by arthritis or degeneration is known as multi-compartmental knee resurfacing. The worn patella and trochlea of the femur (the grove at the end of the thigh bone), which together comprise the patellofemoral joint, are resurfaced.
knee resurfacing in Chandigarh, click here: Knee resurfacing has several advantages, including a smaller incision, less pain, less edema, and a faster recovery. Your knee will be as close to normal as possible in appearance, sensation, and flexibility, allowing you to live a normal life.
The treatment uses less bone than a total knee replacement because only damaged cartilage is removed. Unicompartmental resurfacing has a low wear rate and can last for a long time. It's also possible that you won't need any more knee surgery.
If you need a knee replacement after a long period of time, the process will be simpler because the remaining knee will be preserved, and the results will be just as pleasing and long-lasting.
However, it is also true that knee resurfacing is a more difficult treatment for which only a few specialists are qualified. Healing Hospital's orthopedic surgeons have years of experience executing effective knee resurfacing procedures.