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Vibhor Sharma

When an organ pulls through a tear in the muscle or tissue keeping it in place, a hernia forms. Though they often occur between the chest and the hips, hernias can occur in the groyne and upper thigh. Even though most hernias are not serious, they still need to be appropriately treated. Some may require surgery to avoid negative consequences.

Therefore, you've come to the right site if you're seeking for the best hernia surgery in Chandigarh. One of the best hernia treatment facilities in Chandigarh is the General Surgery Department of Healing Hospital.


1.Protection against hernias

2. Hernia Surgery Technique

3. The Best hospital in Chandigarh for hernia surgery

1.Prevention of Hernias:-

A hernia cannot always be stopped from developing. However, by implementing lifestyle adjustments like the ones stated below, you may lessen your risk of developing a hernia:-

Give up smoking. Keep an eye on your weight. eat more meals high in fiber. Exercise, but avoid heavy lifting.

2.Hernia Surgery Technique:- While the majority of hernias may be managed conservatively, some can necessitate surgery. If your hernia is causing you significant pain and is becoming worse, surgery could be your best option.

One of two surgical procedures may be used to treat hernias:-

An Open procedure:- The surgeon must make an incision in the groyne to see and treat the hernia. When the protrusion is located, the surgeon forces it back into the abdomen. The abdominal wall is then stitched or covered in mesh to keep it in position. The mesh's main function is to fortify the area of the abdominal wall where the hernia first appeared.

A laparoscopic procedure:- During a laparoscopic procedure, the surgeon creates a series of tiny incisions in the lower belly to examine and cure the hernia. The abdominal wall is strengthened and sealed with a mesh.

A very little incision is used to introduce the laparoscope. The inside image of the body may be seen thanks to the connection between the laparoscope and a tiny video camera.

To see the internal organs, the belly is inflated with a gas, often carbon dioxide. Usually, the patient is unconscious when this procedure is used. The patient doesn't experience any pain during the operation.

Laparoscopic surgery is not usually recommended for hernias, though. If open surgery is required to treat your hernia, your surgeon will consult with you to decide the best course of action.

Some surgeons have even suggested robotic surgery, in which the surgeon performs surgery while seated at a console and operating robotic arms.


Chandigarh's Healing Hospital's General Surgery Department has medical professionals on staff who are skilled in carrying out delicate and accurate hernia surgery procedures. Based on the specifics of each patient, the surgeons advise the best course of action. The team at Healing Hospital makes sure the patient gets the best post-operative care and all the help they need.



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