Every pregnancy comes with certain risks, but some factors can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. However, with proper prenatal care and aid from a high risk Pregnancy Hospital in Chandigarh, these risks can be minimised to a great extent.
Following are some risk factors for complications during pregnancy:
Age: Women under the age of 20 and over the age of 35 are at an increased risk of complications during pregnancy.
Women under the age of 20 may give premature birth, have a baby with low birth weight, develop preeclampsia, and undergo pregnancy-induced hypertension. Teenage mothers are more likely to have a high-risk pregnancy due to factors such as nutritional deficiencies, underdeveloped pelvis, high blood pressure in pregnancy, etc.
Women over the age of 35 either have fewer chances to conceive or are at a higher risk of having complications during pregnancy. Older women are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, chromosomal issues, miscarriages, etc. which increases the risk of complications. Caesarean delivery is common in older women.