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Living Well with Hemorrhoids: Lifestyle Tips from a Chandigarh Piles Expert

Vibhor Sharma

For many people, piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are a source of discomfort and concern.Swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the rectum and anus are common symptoms of this condition. The importance of recognizing symptoms early for prompt intervention is emphasized by a piles doctor in Chandigarh.

There are two kinds of piles:

Internal piles: These are painless piles that form inside the rectum.

External piles: These form beneath the skin around the anus and can be painful, particularly when passing stool.

Typical Piles Symptoms

Piles, a common condition, have obvious symptoms:

Individuals frequently experience pain or discomfort in the anal area, which is a primary symptom of piles.Piles frequently result in bleeding after passing stool, which is a noticeable and concerning indicator.Itching Around the Anus: Another common symptom of piles is persistent itching around the anus.Pile or Swelling Near the Anus: Piles can appear as a visible lump or swelling near the anus, adding to the overall discomfort.

Identifying the Root Causes of Piles 

While the exact cause of piles is unknown, they are thought to be caused by increased pressure on the veins in the lower rectum and anus. This strain can be attributed to:

Irregular Bowel Habits, either Constipation or Diarrhoea: Irregular bowel habits, either constipation or diarrhoea, contribute to the development of piles.Straining During Bowel Movements: Excessive pressure applied while passing stool is a common cause of piles.Lifting Heavy Objects: Straining caused by heavy lifting can put pressure on the veins, potentially causing piles.Pregnancy: The increased pressure on veins in the pelvic region during pregnancy is a known risk factor for piles.

Sitting for Long Periods: Sitting for long periods of time, especially without breaks, can increase pressure on the rectal veins, potentially causing piles.

Simple Steps to Avoid Piles for Your Health

Simple steps can be taken to avoid piles:

Consume High-Fiber Foods: Get plenty of fiber in your diet by eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.Keep Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to keep your digestive system running smoothly.Regular Exercise: In order to promote good digestion and overall health, make exercise a part of your daily routine.Avoid Straining: To reduce pressure on your rectum and anus, be gentle during bowel movements.Stool Softeners: If constipation is a problem, consult your doctor about using stool softeners to help with bowel movements.

Piling treatment

The treatment of piles is handled efficiently in Healing hospital Chandigarh by specialist piles doctors who provide comprehensive care.

Consultation with a Piles Specialist: The first step is to see a piles specialist in Chandigarh. These specialists, who are frequently gastroenterologists or proctologists, are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of piles.Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Pain relievers that are easily accessible and can be purchased without a prescription.Sitz Baths: A simple and effective way to relieve discomfort is to soak your lower body in warm water.Ice Packs: Using cold packs on the affected area can help reduce swelling and pain.Creams and ointments: Over-the-counter topical treatments that soothe and relieve itching.

Rubber Band Ligation: A procedure used by healthcare professionals to shrink haemorrhoids by using rubber bands.Sclerotherapy is an injection-based procedure that uses a solution to shrink hemorrhoids.

Severe Cases: Surgery Surgery is reserved for extreme cases of piles and is only considered in extreme cases.If none of the preceding options work, minimally invasive surgeries such as Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy may be considered. Consulting a piles doctor and choosing the best piles hospital in Chandigarh ensures an accurate diagnosis prior to treatment. Seeking the advice of a piles specialist ensures that you receive the most appropriate treatment option. Taking these steps can help you find comfort and well-being.


For those seeking guidance from the best piles doctors in Chandigarh, the Healing Hospital stands as a beacon of hope. The piles doctors here combine expertise with empathy, providing comprehensive solutions to alleviate symptoms and improve their patients' overall well-being. Don't let piles interfere with your daily life—consult with the piles doctors at Healing Hospital in Chandigarh for a personalized and effective treatment plan. Your road to recovery begins here.



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