A fetal echocardiogram is a test similar to an ultrasound. This examination lets your doctor more clearly assess the structure and function of your unborn child's heart. Between weeks 18 and 24 of the second trimester is often when it is done.
The examination uses sound waves that "echo" the structural elements of the embryonic heart. A machine analyses these sound waves, and the result is an echocardiogram, a picture of the heart inside. This image reveals the development and health of your baby's heart as well as if it is beating regularly. You or your child won't experience any pain or harm as a result of this test. This treatment usually takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to complete.
Additionally, it enables your doctor to see the blood flow in the developing fetus's heart. This thorough check allows your doctor to identify any abnormalities in the baby's heartbeat or blood flow.
The precise cause of abnormal fetal echocardiography results may be vague or require more testing. Sometimes more testing is not needed since potential problems have been ruled out. Once your doctor has determined the cause of your pregnancy, you can better manage it and prepare for delivery.
The outcomes of this examination can help you and your doctor plan for any postpartum procedures that your unborn child could need, such as corrective surgery. You can also get counseling and assistance to help you make the best decisions possible for the rest of your pregnancy.
However, fetal echo has its own set of limitations. It might not be able to identify every birth issue or it might falsely report the existence of a birth defect.
Looking for the Fetal Echo test price in Chandigarh? To learn more about it, go here: https://www.healinghospital.co.in/gynecology/