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Angiogram & Angiography: Test & Treatment Cost in Chandigarh

Vibhor Sharma

It's possible that pain in your left arm or chest is a sign of underlying cardiac issues. If you experience these symptoms, your doctor may recommend that you get an angiogram. Angiography is a procedure that evaluates if a coronary artery is blocked or not. Your doctor may be concerned that you're at risk for a heart attack if you have unstable angina, atypical chest discomfort, aortic stenosis, or unexplained heart failure.

Angiography is a test that examines our blood arteries using X-ray contrast. When blood arteries become clogged, damaged, or abnormal in any way, it can cause chest pain, heart attack, stroke, and other problems. Angiography helps the doctor determine the cause of the problem as well as the extent of the damage to the vessel.


1. Procedure

2. After the Test

3. Test & Treatment Cost in Chandigarh


Angiography is a test that determines the degree of narrowing in your arteries. Doctors frequently order an MRI or a CT scan before the angiography test to rule out any heart problems. Before the test, you will be given a mild sedative to help you relax.

The process begins with a local anesthetic numbing a region of your body that will be utilized as the procedure location.

Angiography is a procedure that involves inserting a long, thin tube into the main artery called a catheter.

The catheter is threaded through the artery slowly and cautiously until the tip reaches the vascular section to be examined.

Following the Examination

You may need to stay in the hospital for several hours or overnight after the procedure. You may be advised to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and flush the dye from your kidneys.

Angiography physicians in Chandigarh will show you how to check for bleeding and what to do if it occurs before you leave the hospital. If the surgery was performed in the groin, you may be recommended to avoid heavy lifting and straining for a week to avoid bleeding.

When you go home, make sure to take care of the following:

After getting an anesthetic, do not drive, operate machinery, or make any important decisions.

Remain hydrated and unwind.

Smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages are not recommended. The next day, remove the bandage. If there is a tiny leak, apply a new one for another 12 hours. For a few days, don't perform any intense exercise. Avoid taking a bath, soaking in a hot tub, or swimming in a pool. For a few days, don't apply lotion to the puncture site. A week after your test, make an appointment with your heart doctor.

To know about Angiography costs in Chandigarh, click here:



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